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To what extent can audio advertising influence brand perception?
A recent study conducted by ARD Media and RMS Radio Marketing Service, entitled "Brand Building with Audio," sought to answer this crucial question in the landscape of modern marketing. Through the Audioeffekt research initiative, these two marketing companies, together with the Bonsai Research Institute, analyzed the long-term effects of audio advertising on brand building.
Study Methodology
To reach meaningful conclusions, a total of 1,233 participants were interviewed in a preliminary study using the "pick-any" method.
This method, which analyzed 16 brands in four main categories (retail of food products, beer, cars, and mobility), allowed identifying demand situations and reasons for brand usage in each sector analyzed.
Subsequently, within the main study context, 7,703 consumers were interviewed to determine qualified audio recognition and brand attribution to selected demand situations and use occasions.
Three mental availability indicators were analyzed in the study:
Mental penetration or mental reach: indicates how many people have at least one relevant association with the brand.
Network size or associative strength: indicates the number of associations that a brand has on average.
Mental market share: summarizes these two indicators and expresses the percentage of brand associations compared to all sector associations.
Key Findings of the Study
One of the key conclusions of the study was the strong correlation between the mental market share and the real market share of brands. In other words, if a brand is easily recognizable and consistently associated in demand situations, it is more likely to positively influence purchasing behavior and consequently the actual market share.
Audio increases the "mental" market share
Data analysis has revealed that audio advertising has a significant impact on brand mental penetration. Thanks to audio advertising, brands have been anchored in the minds of a greater number of consumers, increasing their presence and relevance in the market. This results in an increase in mental market share and, potentially, in an increase in actual sales.
"This means that if a brand is mentally available in relevant demand situations, that is, if it virtually makes its way into consumers' minds, this has a positive effect on purchasing behavior and therefore on actual market share", explains Bernard Domenichini, Advertising and Market Research Manager at ARD Media. "Or in other words: the more mentally available a brand is, the more likely consumers are to use it".
In particular, it has been observed that consumers exposed to audio advertising showed a higher mental penetration, with 74% of them having at least one association with the brand, compared to 69% of those not exposed.
Implications for Audio Marketing
These results underline the importance of audio advertising in building and maintaining a brand presence in consumers' minds. Successful brands must therefore consider audio as a key element of their marketing strategy, ensuring a prominent and recognizable presence in both traditional and digital audio channels.
Furthermore, the long-term effect of audio advertising can lead to significant increases in sales, as demonstrated by calculations estimating an average 10% increase in sales for the brands examined.
In conclusion, the study "Brand Building with Audio" provides important insights into the power of audio in building the brand and emphasizes the importance of integrating effective audio strategies in modern marketing campaigns.
Source: www.markenartikel-magazin.de vg 28/04/2023